Filtering by: Law Enforcement
Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement
8:00 AM08:00

Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ventura County Law Enforcement Crisis Intervention Training - Dementia

This training is being offered live!

This will be part of the 40 hour crisis intervention training (CIT) workshop provided to certify Ventura County law enforcement personnel.

Dr. Lande will be presenting on dementia as he has done for a number of years with Ventura CIT. This talk will include what dementia is and what are the varieties of dementia, as well as focusing on how to be aware of possible dementia and how to work effectively with members of the public that have dementia or serious cognitive impairment.

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Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement
8:00 AM08:00

Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ventura County Law Enforcement Crisis Intervention Training - Dementia

This training is being offered live!

This will be part of the 40 hour crisis intervention training (CIT) workshop provided to certify Ventura County law enforcement personnel.

Dr. Duff will be presenting on dementia as he has done for a number of years with Ventura CIT. This talk will include what dementia is and what are the varieties of dementia, as well as focusing on how to be aware of possible dementia and how to work effectively with members of the public that have dementia or serious cognitive impairment.

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Financial Exploitation: What Makes Us Victims?
8:00 AM08:00

Financial Exploitation: What Makes Us Victims?

  • Ventura County Government Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore dementia and what affects the aging brain in more detail using trauma informed care as a base model. We will further explore the aged brain’s unsafe / unwise choices and work to develop effective interventions and approach styles for staff. We will also address our personal health and stress, given that caring for others can have a big impact on us.

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Exploring Normal Aging and Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)
1:30 PM13:30

Exploring Normal Aging and Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)

  • 855 Partridge Drive Ventura, CA, 93003 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Participants will learn a handy model of the brain to use as they explore normal aging, as well as major neurocognitive disorder, AKA Dementia. The various commons forms of dementia to be on the lookout for will be discussed. We will finish up by learning a brief strategy on how to understand and address the behavioral issues that can present in work with individuals with major neurocognitive disorder.

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Working Effectively With Older Adults, With and Without Cognitive Impairment
3:00 PM15:00

Working Effectively With Older Adults, With and Without Cognitive Impairment

Join us for an enlightening talk where we delve into the foundations of effective communication, a skill essential for everyone. Together, we'll embark on a journey to explore intriguing aspects of personality, including mindsets and attributions, and discover how heightened awareness can empower us to assist clients in transforming their lives. Furthermore, we'll tackle the complexities of challenging behaviors such as anger and agitation, providing valuable insights applicable to both aging adults and those living with dementia. By unraveling the intricacies of common behavioral and neuropsychiatric hurdles associated with dementia, we'll equip ourselves with problem-solving strategies. Moreover, we'll come to appreciate that behavior often serves as a profound mode of communication in individuals with major neurocognitive disorder. Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to enhance your understanding and make a positive impact. Join us for an engaging talk that promises to enlighten, empower, and inspire.

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Recognizing Normal Aging versus Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)
3:00 PM15:00

Recognizing Normal Aging versus Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)

Participants will learn a handy model of the brain to use as they explore normal aging, as well as major neurocognitive disorder, AKA Dementia. The various commons forms of dementia to be on the lookout for will be discussed. We will finish up by learning a brief strategy on how to understand and address the behavioral issues that can present in work with individuals with major neurocognitive disorder.

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Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement
2:00 PM14:00

Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore dementia and what affects the aging brain in more detail using trauma informed care as a base model. We will further explore the aged brain’s unsafe / unwise choices and work to develop effective interventions and approach styles for staff. We will also address our personal health and stress, given that caring for others can have a big impact on us.

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Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement
2:00 PM14:00

Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore dementia and what affects the aging brain in more detail using trauma informed care as a base model. We will further explore the aged brain’s unsafe / unwise choices and work to develop effective interventions and approach styles for staff. We will also address our personal health and stress, given that caring for others can have a big impact on us.

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Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement
1:00 PM13:00

Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore dementia and what affects the aging brain in more detail using trauma informed care as a base model. We will further explore the aged brain’s unsafe / unwise choices and work to develop effective interventions and approach styles for staff. We will also address our personal health and stress, given that caring for others can have a big impact on us.

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Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement
1:00 PM13:00

Dementia Training for Ventura Law Enforcement

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore dementia and what affects the aging brain in more detail using trauma informed care as a base model. We will further explore the aged brain’s unsafe / unwise choices and work to develop effective interventions and approach styles for staff. We will also address our personal health and stress, given that caring for others can have a big impact on us.

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FBI Talk - Older Adult Financial Exploitation:  What We Need To Know
9:00 AM09:00

FBI Talk - Older Adult Financial Exploitation: What We Need To Know

FBI LA will be providing training focusing on "Older Adult Financial Exploitation: What We Need To Know". This training will last from 9am to 12:15pm. All personnel are encouraged to attend. This training is essential for FBI personnel who interact with older adults both during investigations or in taking a complaint. Lync access to the RA's will be provided. AUSA Elder Justice Coordinator Monica Tait, Deputy DA Elena Abramson, Griselda Gaytan from Ventura County Adult Protective Services and Dr. Erik Lande, a Ventura County neuropsychologist, will share information that will be of critical importance to assist you in investigations involving older adults, taking and evaluating complaints, and interviewing older adults.

Some of the information to be presented includes:

• Information on relevant state and federal laws and guidelines in submitting cases for prosecution

• Information on determining 'capacity and consent' in the state system

• How to investigate and prosecute these cases even when the older adult is cognitively impaired or is deceased

• Increasing your skills in interviewing those that may be cognitively in decline

• Understanding the 'aging process' and age associated financial vulnerability as issues in victimization

• Understanding the role of Adult Protective Services as a useful tool in assisting older and dependent adult victims, including how APS may be used in OPS plans.

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Law Enforcement Training - Effective Strategies for Preventing and Investigating Transnational and Other Scams Targeting Older Adults
7:45 AM07:45

Law Enforcement Training - Effective Strategies for Preventing and Investigating Transnational and Other Scams Targeting Older Adults

The United States Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the South Pasadena Police Department will present a one day training on strategies to prevent and investigate elder fraud.  Participants will learn:

Innovative techniques and strategies for effective investigations of transnational and other scams targeting older adults, including;

  • Romance, Lottery,  IRS, Tech Support and "Grandparent Scams".

  • Best practices and interviewing techniques for understanding, engaging, and interviewing older adult victims of crime.

Learn about new investigative tools and resources to facilitate information-sharing between local, state and federal law enforcement.

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Crisis Intervention Training: Dementia
3:00 PM15:00

Crisis Intervention Training: Dementia

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This will be part of the 40 hour crisis intervention training (CIT) workshop provided to certify Ventura County law enforcement personnel. We will explore what dementia is, the different types of dementia, and behavioral difficulties encountered with dementia. Appropriate interventions and responses will also be covered.

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Crisis Intervention Training: Dementia
1:00 PM13:00

Crisis Intervention Training: Dementia

  • Ventura County Sheriff's Department Training Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This will be part of the 40 hour crisis intervention training (CIT) workshop provided to certify Ventura County law enforcement personnel. We will explore what dementia is, the different types of dementia, and behavioral difficulties encountered with dementia. Appropriate interventions and responses will also be covered.

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